A Tennessee school of real estate with approved real estate licensing courses featuring online, virtual and tutoring for exam prep. 901-213-0300
Courses provided are approved by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission and are not a guarantee that the student will obtain a license. Conditions which may require a review by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission to be eligible for a real estate license is listed on the website for the licensing procedures. http://www.tn.gov/commerce/section/real-estate-com... Each student must identify their position prior to taking the course. The courses offered meet the requirements for real estate licensing in the State of Tennessee.
The class room course is refundable on day one of the class less any processing cost (approximately $25) and materials if used. Textbook is included with the classroom course.
Online courses are non-refundable and may be started at anytime and do not require a textbook. A student may order a textbook in the portal if they wish. The online portal is maintained on a different platform from the website. Technical settings to access the courses must be handled by the tech support for the platform. Course requirements are handled by the school administration.
CAUTION: Any course which specifies a particular year MUST be completed in that year regardless of when it was ordered. The course becomes invalid past that year and the administration can no longer report the course.
Workbook courses are paper and pencil distance learning courses which require completion of exercises. Submission of exercises is required; as well as grading and feedback. Failure to submit exercises does not constitute a refund. Completion time may be up to six months.
By submitting a request for registration or purchase, you agree to the terms and conditions in doing business with Memphis Real Estate School. 901-213-0300. 2840 Summer Oaks Dr. #104, Bartlett, TN 38134
Memphis Real Estate School mission is to provide quality small classroom real estate courses serving the cities of Memphis and Jackson, and Shelby, Tipton and Fayette Counties in Tennessee.